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Compton Unified Ranked 1st in California Test Score Performance

Media Release

The California state test scores are in and Compton Unified School District is ranked first in performance among unified school districts with similar demographic and socio-economic profiles.

Compton Unified’s Math scores increased by 2.9 percentage points and English Language Arts (ELA) scores increased by 2.5 percentage points over the last year.

The California Department of Education (CDE) recently released assessment results including data for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) and the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC).

Compton Unified School District has shown steady and remarkable progress in both Math and ELA, with our CAASPP scores far exceeding the state average for larger school districts with a high unduplicated pupil count and English Language Learner population.

This incredible achievement reflects the hard work of our students, teachers, and staff who’ve committed to excellence every step of the way. With initiatives like in-class tutoring, expanded after-school support, and focused teacher development, we’re leading the way in student success!

Thanks to the leadership and vision of the Compton Unified School District Board of Trustees and Superintendent Dr. Darin Brawley, and to our administrators and teachers for driving results with data-driven strategies.

CUSD Superintendent Dr. Darin Brawley attributes this increase in test scores across the board to the hard work of educators, staff, and students as supported by in-class tutors for immediate intervention, expanded tutoring both during and after school, and professional learning for teachers on meeting students’ literacy needs.

Additionally, the district’s success is driven by monthly superintendent data chats with administrators, where we review key performance metrics and benchmark our progress against other districts. This work is guided by the Malcolm Baldrige Performance Excellence protocol, which emphasizes developing SMART goals and engaging in constant reflection to ensure steady progress toward our targets.