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P.U.E.N.T.E.S. Celebrates Clinton, Enterprise, and Mayo Parents

Media Release

Parents from Clinton, Mayo, and Enterprise were recognized for their fantastic achievement in completing the P.U.E.N.T.E.S. computer literacy courses recently. Congratulations to these dedicated parents who have taken this important step towards enhancing their computer skills and embracing technology in today's digital world.  

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Clinton Parents

The P.U.E.N.T.E.S. (Pathways to Uplift and Empower through Novel Technology and Education Services) program targets Latino families, specifically those who have language and cultural barriers that present an obstacle to understanding technology and how to utilize its benefits.

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Enterprise Parents

Clinton and Mayo Elementary Schools offered the program for a second year and had participants return for an advanced class. Enterprise hosted a beginner class this year for the first time.

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Mayo Parents

The purpose of the program is to cultivate a learning environment for both parents and children of disadvantages households through skills, resources, and tools needed for digital literacy. 

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Participants become digitally literate in an authentic, culturally relevant context, as they learn social responsibility and the use of social networks while involving parents' participation in supervising children's activities and becoming familiar with access to their child's academic progress.

Becoming familiar with computers and the equipment related to their use gives participants the skillset and confidence to apply their understanding of technology for an improved quality of life. This will enable participants to continue to develop their proficiency with computer literacy by using the acquired knowledge for a range of functions that include academic, career, and personal growth.