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Compton Success Profiles: Melany Veliz, Centennial High School

Media Release

Meet Melany Veliz, Centennial High School Class of 2024 graduate. She’ll be attending U.C. Santa Barbara in the fall, majoring in Media Arts.


Her interest in Media Arts stems from her love of drawing and making her own animations. She hopes to work for an animation company after college and wants to make logos for corporations in the future.

She says the best thing about attending Centennial High School was the amount of resources and programs that they offer and the people who helped make it better.

She stayed busy while in high school, taking part in the Spanish Club, Anime Club, and was in the Gear Up program.

She was also an athlete, and played on the soccer, softball, volleyball, and cross-country teams. One of her challenges in school was balancing being an athlete and finishing all her school work, but with the support of her teachers and coaches, she was able to make it happen.

Melany Veliz is another Compton Success Story.