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Compton Success Profiles: Alonso De La Cruz, Compton High School

Media Release

Meet Alonso De La Cruz, Compton High School Class of 2024 graduate. He will be going to college in the fall, majoring in Computer Engineering, because he’s always liked working with technology.

Alonso grew up in Compton and went to Emerson Elementary School, Roosevelt Middle School, then finished at Compton High School. 

One of the biggest challenges he faced was transitioning from middle school to high school as the Roosevelt campus became Compton High School when the old Compton High School campus was torn down to begin construction of the new facility.

Alonso values his education because both his parents moved from Mexico to ensure he had better schooling and more opportunities in life.

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He has been most influenced by his older brother who attended U.C. Irvine. Alonso was also accepted to that university and several others.

Alonso De La Cruz is another Compton Success Story.