5 Compton Unified Schools Receive 2024 California Distinguished Schools Award
Bunche, Davis, Whaley, Willowbrook, and Compton Early College High School Recognized
Compton Unified School District (CUSD) is thrilled to announce that five schools, Bunche, Davis, Whaley, Willowbrook Middle School, and Compton Early College High School, have been selected for the prestigious 2024 California Distinguished Schools Award, California’s school recognition program recognizing two categories of exceptional schools: closing the achievement gap and demonstrating exceptional student performance.
"We are incredibly proud of all five schools being honored with the prestigious 2024 California Distinguished Schools award,” said CUSD Superintendent Dr. Darin Brawley. “This recognition is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and commitment of our students, teachers, and staff. Being honored by California’s school recognition program not only highlights the exceptional student performance across our schools, but also underscores our collective efforts in closing the achievement gap.”
Since its inception in 1985, the California Distinguished Schools Award remains one of the state’s most important ways to celebrate exceptional schools, districts, teachers, and classified employees for their innovation, talent, and success in supporting students. Each year the California Department of Education (CDE) alternates between recognizing secondary schools and elementary schools. Seven other Compton Unified schools have also received this honor in the past, including Anderson, Bunche, Bursch, Jefferson, Laurel, Rosecrans, and Tibby Elementary Schools.
"This honor truly recognizes unwavering commitment and the extraordinary effort of our administrators, teachers, and entire staff who dedicate themselves to fostering academic excellence and equity,” said CUSD Chief Academic Officer Mario Marcos. “Our approach, focusing on both closing the achievement gap and showcasing exceptional student performance, underscores the effectiveness of our diverse educational initiatives. From STEM to the arts, from inclusive practices to advanced learning strategies, we have strived to create an environment where every student has the opportunity to thrive. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to our entire school community for this remarkable achievement."
The exceptional middle and high schools recognized this year are illustrative of the persistence and promise of California’s students, educators, and schools. To select California Distinguished Schools, the California Department of Education (CDE) uses multiple measures to identify eligible schools based on their performance on the state indicators as specified on the California School Dashboard (Dashboard).
Specifically, schools were selected by analyzing data reported through the 2023 Dashboard, with a focus on demonstrating excellence and growth in academic achievement and ensuring a positive school climate. Schools are recognized for exceptional student performance based on achieving exemplary performance in English Language Arts (ELA) and math, reducing suspensions, and demonstrating high graduation rates (high schools only).
Schools recognized for closing the achievement gap enroll at least 40 percent of their students from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds and, in addition to demonstrating exemplary overall performance in ELA and math, achieve accelerated academic growth for one or more historically underserved student groups.
About Compton Unified School District
Compton Unified School District, whose Superintendent is Dr. Darin Brawley, is located in the south-central region of Los Angeles County. CUSD encompasses the city of Compton and portions of the cities of Carson and Los Angeles. The district currently serves more than 18,000 students at 36 sites. CUSD is a district that is elevating, with a high school graduation rate of 90%, dramatic facilities improvements, increasing college acceptance rates, and a focus on STEAM throughout all schools. The mission of the Compton Unified School District is to empower leaders to lead, teachers to teach, and students to learn by fostering an environment that encourages leaders and teachers to be visionary, innovative, and accountable for the achievement of all students. CUSD schools have received numerous awards, including Golden Bell Awards, National Blue Ribbon School designations, California Distinguished Schools, and Top 10 LA Public Schools by Innovate LA. CUSD is also a member of the League of Innovative Schools. The District’s Superintendent, Dr. Darin Brawley, was named 2019 Superintendent of the Year by the Los Angeles County Office of Education. For more information, visit http://www.compton.k12.ca.us.