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8 CUSD Schools Earn ERP Honor Roll

Media Release

Eight Compton Unified School District schools have been recognized on the newest Educational Results Partnership Honor Roll list of California’s top-performing schools. Anderson Elementary, Compton Early College, Jefferson Elementary, Kelly Elementary, Laurel Street Elementary, McNair Elementary, Tibby Elementary, and Willowbrook Middle School all earned the Educational Results Partnership (ERP) "Star School" Honor Roll designation.

CUSD is proud to see our schools recognized as leaders in academic excellence and student success. Last year Compton Unified had five schools named to the Honor Roll – and this year Anderson, Kelly, McNair, and Tibby were new to the list.

This prestigious recognition from ERP celebrates schools that excel in closing achievement gaps and achieving high performance for all students, especially historically disadvantaged populations. Approximately 21% of eligible schools and 22% of eligible districts made the Honor Roll list in 2024.

Educational Results Partnership (ERP), a non-profit organization that applies data science to accelerate student success, has released its annual “Honor Roll” list of California’s top-performing schools, in partnership with the state’s business leaders.

This is the tenth year that ERP has completed the Honor Roll list, which recognizes top public schools, school districts and charter schools that have outperformed their peers in closing achievement gaps, particularly among historically disadvantaged student populations. The full list of Honor Roll schools is now posted at