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Universal Music Group Discusses Music and Tech Careers with Scholars

Media Release

Universal Music Group’s Technology Leadership brought their team, interns, and 12 HP computers to Compton Early College High School to teach 30 CUSD scholars about careers in technology. They also helped the students, who were from all four CUSD high schools, build out computers.

The four-hour workshop was kicked off by UMG Chief Information Officer Dan Morales, who shared his career journey and passion for music, tech, and cooking.  

UMG’s Chief Technology Officer Vikram Tuli joined the group, along with UMG’s entire tech team, and their summer interns, who shared their interests and passions to make it a well-rounded, collaborative workshop – showing students what is possible to achieve career wise.

HP leadership also shared the inner workings of career pathways in their business, and helped teams of six CUSD scholars build a computer. This is the power of education when the worlds of music, technology and engineering collide.