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BSA Department Hosts Cabrillo Marine Aquarium Exhibit

Media Release

CUSD’s BSA Department hosted kindergarten through third grade scholars from Emerson, Kelly, Kennedy, King, Jefferson, Tibby, and Washington Elementary Schools to experience an interactive workshop from Cabrillo Marine Aquarium exploring a tide pool and its creatures.

Entitled, "The Greatest Fish Story Ever Told, Treasures in the Tidepool,” scholars had a wonderful experience learning about sea animals and their habitat. The learned about fish fins, gills, and scales and what their purpose was. Students also played the role of scientist and examined real ocean fish and investigated how they move, breathe, and survive in their ocean habitats.

Students touched animals in a large fish tank and got to look at different shells and remains of various sea creatures. The delighted scholars checked out the various displays and squealed with excitement as they felt the different creatures.  

As an added bonus, scholars also toured the CUSD District offices, met Superintendent Dr. Darin Brawley, and learned more about what the staff does to help run CUSD. 

It was an educational and interactive experience for all the scholars, many of whom had never been to the ocean, or seen a tide pool in person.