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Kelly's McCruter Honored at LACOE Teacher of the Year Luncheon

Media Release

Compton Unified's Los Angeles County District Teacher of the Year 2023-24 Rashanda McCruter was recognized at the 42 Annual Los Angeles County Teachers of the Year Awards Luncheon.

Receiving Award

Mrs. McCruter teaches seventh grade English and Social Studies at Kelly Elementary School. After 20 years of working with young children, Rashanda was struck by how their spontaneity in class discussions was replaced among her seventh-graders by fear. She strives to create an environment where students feel safe to communicate and read aloud.

“Mrs. McCruter goes above and beyond to ensure that her scholars know they matter – to her and the world,” said one of her student’s parent.

There were 68 teachers representing 64 school districts recognized at the luncheon. All participants were recently selected as teacher(s) of the year by their respective school districts. Within Los Angeles County, there are more than 70,000 teachers working with more than 1.3 million students.

McCruter good

CUSD Superintendent Dr. Brawley, Sr. Director of Educational Services K-8 Dr. Moon, Mrs. McCruter, and Kelly Principal Curry.

The Teachers of the Year program is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious recognition program to focus on public attention on excellence in teaching. The California Teachers of the Year program, which began in 1972, is part of the National Teacher of the Year program, sponsored by the Council of Chief State School Officers in partnership with Scholastic, Inc.

The process begins at the school level. Among teachers nominated or chosen by their colleagues at various schools, one is selected to represent his or her school district in the Los Angeles County Teachers of the Year program, sponsored by the L.A. County Office of Education.

"Congratulations to all the teachers of the year. Teachers make an enormous difference in the lives of students, establishing connections that go beyond academics and foster a sense of community,” said Dr. Debra Duardo, Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools. “Their commitment, innovative approaches, and ability to genuinely inspire have helped students to discover their talents and embrace their education.”

Award plaque