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CUSD Scholars Become USC Students For a Day

Media Release

Nearly 150 Compton Unified School District scholars recently visited the University of Southern California (USC) and got to be a “USC Student For A Day.” Organized by CUSD’s Department of Black Student Achievement, the "USC Student For A Day" trip served to inspire more students of color to attend colleges and universities after high school graduation.


The 144 students from Compton Early College High School, Bunche and Walton Middle Schools, and Bursch, Kelly, McNair, Rosecrans, Tibby, and Washington Elementary schools enjoyed a tour of the USC campus, lunch, and tickets to a football game at the historic L.A. Memorial Coliseum (the Trojans scored a thrilling OT victory over Arizona). Some students also attended the California Science Center.


“We were so excited to share the college experience with our Compton Unified scholars,” said Dr. Shaunte Knox, Director of Black Student Achievement. “When you get to walk around a university campus, see what the students do and how they live, and experience the sites and sounds, you start to realize what an incredible place it is. It helps the students understand firsthand why they should strive to attend college and better prepares them for it.”





USC 10