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Benjamin O. Davis Jr. Scholars Learn About School's Namesake 

Media Release

Where does a school get its name? Davis Middle School students found out recently about their school’s name, when author Doug Melville, the grandnephew of Benjamin O. Davis Jr., attended the school and gave a history lesson about the namesake.

Doug Melville with CUSD Board Member Charles Davis, a distant relative to Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. 


Benjamin Davis Jr. was the first Black person to graduate West Point in the 20th century (1936), commanded the Tuskegee Airmen in World War II, became the Air Force’s first Black general (1954), and America’s second Black General, among many other things.

Doug Melville talks to the scholars about Benjamin O. Davis Jr. and Sr. 


After doing research on Davis Jr., Melville has written and is releasing a book called INVISIBLE GENERALS: Rediscovering Family Legacy, and a Quest to Honor America’s First Black Generals, about Davis Jr. and his father, Benjamin Davis Sr.

Doug Melville with Davis students. 


During his lesson, Melville presented five tips to the Davis scholars to inspire them to be great leaders, based on what Benjamin Davis Jr. did in his life and career to be successful.

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Doug Melville tours the Verizon Lab at Davis. 


Doug Melville's Tips to Success Based on Benjamin O. Davis, Jr.: 

  • No. 1: It’s not about being the first, it's about being the best.
  • No. 2: It’s important to work with people to be successful.
  • No. 3: Being negative is a waste of time.
  • No. 4: Work from the inside out.
  • No. 5: In time you can accomplish the impossible.

After each tip, Doug explained how Benjamin Davis Jr. applied the tips to help him succeed.

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Doug Melville with students at the Verizon Lab. 


As part of the school visit, Doug also met CUSD Board Member Charles Davis, toured the school, talked to students, and checked out their classrooms.