16 CUSD Elementary Schools Receive Young Sheldon STEM Initiative Grants
Media Release
16 Compton Unified School District Elementary Schools recently received the 2023-24 Young Sheldon STEM Initiative Grants. The grant, administered by 9 Dots, is from the Chuck Lorre Family Foundation and allows these schools to enhance STEM education and create amazing opportunities for CUSD scholars.
The Compton Unified Elementary Schools receiving the grants include: Anderson, Bunche, Clinton, Carver, Dickison, Emerson, Jefferson, Longfellow, Kelly, Mayo, McNair, Rosecrans, Roosevelt, Tibby, Washington, and McKinley Elementary Schools.
All the schools received between $5,000 and $10,000 in grant funds based on how long they have been partnered 9 Dots. Schools that have received grant funds in the past received a $5,000 grant, and new schools (Carver and Rosecrans this year) received an almost $10,000 grant.
Funds are used to purchase materials and supplies that allow schools to create magical STEM experiences for their students such as robotics kits, laptops/iPads, makerspace materials, 3D printers, collaborative furniture for STEM labs, projectors, etc. Schools use these funds to fill their current technology supplies or to purchase supplies to increase the types of STEM learning opportunities they're able to provide to students.
Established in 2018, the Young Sheldon public school STEM initiative follows The Chuck Lorre Family Foundation’s collaborative formation of The Big Bang Theory Scholarship Endowment at UCLA. This unprecedented program was created in support of the nation’s public schools, teachers, and students to foster excitement for learning in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).