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Compton Success Profiles: Mikel Sloan

Media Release

Meet Mikel Sloan, Compton High School Class of 2023 graduate. He will be attending Northern Arizona University in the fall, studying Mechanical Engineering.

Mikel started his Compton educational journey at Dickison Elementary, then went to Compton High School, particularly for the engineering studies. His grandfather was an airplane engineer and inspired his interest in the field.

Although he played on the football and soccer teams, Mikel was always told that he was a student before being an athlete. He had to keep his grades up to be able to play on the teams, and his teachers and coaches would follow his progress closely.

He credits the counselors and staff at Compton High who have helped him stay motivated with his classwork and provided advice along the way.

Mikel Sloan is another Compton Success Story.