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Compton Success Profiles: Mariyah Duffey

Media Release

Meet Mariyah Duffey, Dominguez High School Class of 2023 graduate. She will be attending UCLA in the fall on a full scholarship, majoring in Sociology. After college, she hopes to become a social worker, helping kids in need. 

Growing up in Compton, Mariyah attended Emerson Elementary, Roosevelt Middle School, and then Dominguez. She said something people might not know about Compton schools is that there are many teachers who are very supportive and ready to help the students.  

Mariyah would tell her freshman self to just keep going and never give up because you’re going to go to great places.  

She values her education because she wants to be successful in life and it will help her achieve her goals.  

 Mariyah Duffey is another Compton Success Story.