CUSD Showcases High Schools to More Than 1,200 8th Graders
Media Release
In the Compton Unified School District last week, more than 1,200 8th graders were bussed to all four Compton High Schools in an event called the Vertical Articulation. The goal was to showcase Centennial, Compton, Compton Early College, and Dominguez High School to all the 8th grad scholars and help them choose which high school they’ll attend next year.
“The Vertical Articulation was an opportunity for our 8th-grade students to visit each high school and learn something unique about what they have to offer,” said Compton Unified’s Chief Academic Officer Mario Marcos. “Every school is different. They have their own culture. The students got to learn about each school’s academics, career technical education pathways, clubs, extracurricular activities, and sports.”
While each school’s presentation was slightly different, during the visit students received an introduction from the school principal, watched a short video about the school, and then got to learn more about the programs, clubs, and athletics the school offers.
Some of the presentations featured students talking about their experiences at the schools. Others took the 8th graders on tours of the school campuses. Some had marching bands welcoming the students and highlighted musical and dance performances. Each high school visit was about an hour long.
“At the end of the day, our students have been with us through their elementary and middle school years, and we want to make sure they cross the finish line graduating from our high schools,” explained Mr. Marcos.
And why wouldn’t they? The school district offers the best education to students in the local area.
“Based on our graduation rates, based on student performance, and based on the different standardized assessments, our schools are outperforming many other high schools in the area,” said Mr. Marcos. “We know our district and our schools are the best choice for our scholars. We want to encourage our parents to enroll students in our high schools today.”
While the decision to stay in the Compton Unified School District through high school should be an easy one for most students and parents, the harder choice is which high school to attend? But rest assured, between Centennial, Compton, Compton Early College, and Dominguez, there’s no wrong choice.