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300 CUSD Teachers Go Back to Basics for New School Year

Media Release

More than 300 teachers from CUSD’s elementary, middle, and high schools gathered at Davis Middle School and Clinton Elementary School for in-person professional development training classes ahead of the start of the 2023/24 school year.


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With a theme of Back to Basics: Focusing on the Foundation of Teaching and Learning, teachers were divided by grade and subject to review all updates for the upcoming school calendar.


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In addition, principals from all CUSD schools also gathered to prep for the 23/24 school year and review procedures and various administrative details.


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In an opening speech to the attendees, CUSD Board President Denzell Perry said: “As we go into the school year, we're excited for the amazing things that are happening in Compton Unified and we know with your support and help, we can make a difference on the lives of every single student who comes through the District doors. Let's continue to drive impact and let's have a great year.”


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Superintendent Darin Brawley then congratulated the teachers for the District’s rising test scores, while encouraging them to focus on tried-and-true educational practices.


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“I would like to congratulate everyone on the progress we made in the area of ELA and math scores this year, with projected growth of 2% in ELA and 6% in math,” he said. “This would not have been possible without your hard work and dedication to our students.”


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He then shifted his focus to the upcoming school year: “This year, let us embrace the concept of ‘back to basics’ with renewed vigor. Let us instill a deep understanding of foundational concepts, that foster a love for learning that will transform our students throughout their lives by equipping them with critical thinking skills. Let’s build a strong educational foundation, that empowers our students.”


Dr. Brawley then wrapped up, thanking the teachers for their effect on Compton Unified’s scholars. “Thank you for your commitment to our district and the profession of teaching,” he said. “The impact you make is immeasurable, and the influence you have on the lives of students is beyond measure. Here's to a year filled with inspiration, discovery, and the joy of celebrating our students' achievements.”