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Sexual Harassment 

Notice of Student Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment

BP/AR 5145.7 – Sexual Harassment    |    BP/AR 1312.3 – Uniform Complaint Procedures


The Compton Unified School District prohibits sexual harassment directed toward any student by anyone, at school, or at any school-sponsored or school-related events. The District strongly encourages all students to report incidents of sexual harassment to the District’s Title IX Coordinator or to any school site administrator. Any employee who receives a report or observes an incident of suspected sexual harassment shall also notify the District’s Title IX Coordinator or a school site administrator. The District prohibits retaliatory behavior toward any person who brings forth a complaint of sexual harassment brought forth by or on behalf of any student will be processed in accordance with District Administrative Regulation 1312.3 – Uniform Complaint Procedures, a copy of which is available on the Districts website or may be obtained at the front office.

Examples of types of conduct which are prohibited and which may constitute sexual harassment include:

  1. Unwelcome leering, sexual flirtations, or propositions
  2. Unwelcome sexual slurs, epithets, threats, verbal abuse, derogatory comments, or sexually degrading descriptions
  3. Graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body or overly personal conversation
  4. Sexual jokes, derogatory posters, notes, stories, cartoons, drawings, pictures, obscene gestures, or computer-generated images of a sexual nature
  5. Spreading sexual rumors
  6. Teasing or sexual remarks about students enrolled in a predominantly single-sex class
  7. Massaging, grabbing, fondling, stroking, or brushing the body
  8. Touching an individual’s body or clothes in a sexual way
  9.  Impeding or blocking movements or any physical interference with school activities when directed at an individual on the basis of sex
  10. Displaying sexually, sexual battery, or sexual coercion
  11. Sexual assault, sexual battery, or sexual coercion
  12. Electronic communications, such as through social media or text messaging, that contain comments, words, or images described above.

To Report a Complaint of Sexual Harassment or Obtain Additional Information Related to this Posting, You May Contact the IX Coordinator; Dr. William Gideon • Executive Director – HR at (310) 639-4321, ext.46521 email or Any School Site Administrator: Any Student Who May Be a Victim Sexual Harassment (Complainant/Victim)

  • Has the right to file a formal written complaint with the District.
  • Will be provided support services by the District/school site, upon notice of their complaint, which may include counseling/academic services, or a “no contact” order.
  • May agree to engage in procedures to informally resolve their complaint.
  • Will be given the opportunity to explain and provide evidence related to their complaint.
  • Will receive notice of the outcome of their complaint, as well as information about how to appeal the outcome their complaint to the California Department of Education, should they disagree with it.
  • May file their complaint directly with the US Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights.
  • The individual Named in the Complaint (Respondent/Alleged Offender):
  • Will be informed of the claims brought forth against them.
  • Will be provided support services by the District/school site, while any complaint is pending against them, which may include counseling/academic services, or a “no contact” order.
  • May agree to engage in procedures to informally resolve the complaint brought forth against them.
  • Will receive notice of the outcome of the complaint brought forth against them.

The District/School Site:

  • Will process all complaints of sexual harassment brought forth by or on behalf of any student in accordance with District Administrative Regulation 1312.3 – Uniform Complaint Procedures.
  • Will report complaints of sexual harassment to the District’s Title IX Coordinator or designee for processing. Within three business days, the designee may informally discuss with the parties the possibility of mediation. Within 10 business days, the designee will initiate an investigation into the complaint, if appropriate. At the conclusion of the investigation, the designee will issue notice of the outcome to the Complainant/Victim and Respondent/Alleged Offender.
  • Will assist in implanting support services for the Complainant/Victim and Respondent/Alleged Offender while any complaint is pending.
  • Will keep all complaints and allegations of sexual harassment confidential, except as necessary to carry out the investigation or take other subsequent necessary action.
  • Will implement appropriate corrective actions in cases where it is found that conduct occurred in violation of the District’s policy prohibiting sexual harassment.
