Salaries and Benefits
The Compton Unified School District offers a competitive salary for all of our teachers as well as an attractive benefits package. Certificated employees are entitled to: medical, dental, vision, life, and supplemental life insurances.
Teachers can choose from our four medical plans: Blue Shield Access+ HMO, Kaiser HMO, PERS Choice-PPO, and PERS Care-PPO. Administrative Employees can choose from two medical plans: Kaiser/BLUE SHIELD ACESS + HMO PERS CARE PPO/PERS CHOICE-PPO.
Employees can choose between our two dental plan carriers: Pacific Union Dental-HMO and Pacific Union Dental PFP.
Vision services are covered by Vision Service Plan.
Life and Supplemental Life Insurance coverage are provided by Standard Life Insurance Company.
Salary Schedules [2023-2024]
- Salary Schedule A - Credentialed Teachers, Certificated
- Salary Schedule B - Adult Education Teachers
- Salary Schedule D - Child Development Teachers
- Salary Schedule F - ROP-CTE Teachers
- Salary Schedule H - Non-Credentialed Teachers
- Salary Schedule P - Certificated Administrators
- Salary Schedule X - Non-Administrative (Certificated)