Categoral Programs
Concentration and Supplemental Grants:
The LCFF requires school districts to improve student academic achievement by focusing on eight state priority areas.
The LCFF also requires school districts to seek input from parents and community members on how the funds should be used as well as in developing the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Changes made by the LCFF do not change federal funding or related requirements. The LCAP may affect options for planning in subsequent years but in no way will such changes diminish federal requirements. Supplemental Grant
Federal Funds
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Title I: A K-12 program to provide Supplemental Educational Support to low-achieving children in high poverty schools, English Learners, Migrant Children, children with disabilities, neglected or delinquent children, and young children in need of reading assistance. Provides professional development supportive of student achievement and promote parent education and involvement.
Title I: School-wide Program
Purpose: Supplement the entire educational program of the school with a laser-focus on under-performing students.
Supplemental Education Services (SES)
Supplemental educational services (SES) are additional academic instruction provided outside of the regular school day and designed to increase the academic achievement of students attending schools in Program Improvement (PI) Years 2 through 5. SES, or free tutoring, must be high quality, research based, and specifically designed to increase student academic achievement. Eligible students are all low-income students who attend Title I PI Years 2 through 5 schools.
Supplemental Educational Services Brochure
School Choice
Under the Federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law, schools that do not meet their achievement targets must offer parents the choice of attending another school in the same district. This transfer is given under the option of Title I, Part A School Choice.
A Title I school will be identified for program improvement (PI) when, for each of two consecutive years, the Title I school does not make adequate yearly progress (AYP) in the same content area (English-language arts or mathematics) schoolwide or for any numerically significant subgroup, or on the same indicator (Academic Performance Index [API] or high school graduation rate) schoolwide.
Choice and Supplemental Educational Services Frequently Asked Questions
Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA)
SB1133 established the Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA) of 2006 for the purpose of implementing the Prop 98 settlement agreement between CTA, et al. v. Schwarzenegger, et al. SB1133 will provide $3 billion over the next seven years to 488 low performing schools in California. These schools, ranked in the lowest two deciles by the state's 2005 Academic Performance Index, have high percentages of low-income, minority and English learners. QEIA funds will assist schools in closing the achievement gap by reducing class size, improving teacher and principal training, and adding counselors to high schools.
District-Wide Intervention
Accelerated Reader