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Purchasing & Contracts

Purchasing and Contracts

The goal of the Purchasing/Contracts Departments is to facilitate purchase transactions in the best interest of the District, maximize the value for the dollars expended, while also providing assistance and direction in support of the educational success of our School sites and Departments. Our objective is to support instructional and administrative services, in a professional and timely manner, by procuring materials and contracted services designated to meet the educational goals established for student achievement.


The goal of the Reprographics Department is to facilitate internal reprographic services for the District, in support of the instructional programs, by providing high quality graphics, offset printing, high-speed copying, bindery, and mail preparation services to meet the printing demands of the School sites and Departments within the District.
We are now located at:
2300 W. Caldwell Street - Building L-3
Compton, CA 90220

Mark Streeter
Director of Purchasing/Contracts/Reprographics/Warehouse
Phone: (310) 639-4321, Ext. 55097

Vernick Delos Santos
Purchasing Analyst
Ext. 55101


Kimberly Davila
Contract Analyst
Ext. 55051

Craig Butler
Reprographic Production Specialist
Ext. 55164