Energy Management
Compton Unified School District welcome ENGIE
Compton Unified School District is committed to saving energy and being good stewards of resources by means of the taxpayers. Savings we recuperate in this area allow us to focus more funds on our students and provide the best learning environment possible.
In August of 2017, ENGIE’s was selected as CUSD energy partner to work with staff by means of the taxpayers. To conduct a more detailed mechanical/ electrical assessment and prepare an investment grade audit and recommend an implementation plan for the facility upgrades and improvements of designated locations within CUSD. The shared focus of ENGIE and CUSD is for ENGIE to provide a clear need assessment of all CUSD locations where CUSD can improve.
The scope of the detailed work within CUSD meets ENGIE's commitment to this objective, which we enthusiastically support as a California-based company. The timeframe of this project is August 7, 2018 – July 17, 2020.
Through the collaborative process, ENGIE, and CUSD needs assessment and masterplan team, and CUSD planning and Maintenance and Operations staff have defined a multi-phase comprehensive energy and infrastructure improvement project that achieves multiple benefits for the CUSD; including saving money and supporting educational innovation:
- Improvements of classroom lighting quality and reliability.
- Air conditioning to enhance classroom air quality.
- Saves electricity, water, gas, and maintenance costs
- Reduces the up-front capital investment and administrative costs otherwise necessary to complete these projects.
- Lightens burden on administrative staff by providing a turn-key project and construction management approach.
- Establishes the base, and training for a Facilities Maintenance Program.
The recommended scope of the projects addresses pressing facility, operational, and budgetary needs facing CUSD over the next several years. This project will help CUSD to better serve the needs of the community for many years to come within its existing operating and capital budgets. By moving forward with this project, CUSD is demonstrating fiscal foresight by generating energy and operational savings to solve long-term infrastructure challenges. In addition, the proposed project addresses and supports four of the seven District stated goals, specifically;
- Promoting a safe and healthy environment at every school.
- Improving team efforts by enhancing employee communications and collaboration.
- Build, foster and promote partnerships.
- Maintain facilities; plan and promote capital improvements.
The results of the CEA (Comprehensive Engineering Analysis) include much more than technical and financial solutions to facility issues in buildings.
Lighting Upgrades
- Anderson Elementary School
- Bunche Elementary School
- Bunche Middle School
- Bursch Elementary School
- Carver Elementary School
- Centennial High School
- Cesar Chavez/ Thurgood Marshall High School
- Clinton Elementary School
- Community Day Schools (Caldwell Elementary)
- Compton Adult School
- Davis Middle School
- Dickison Elementary School
- Dominguez High School
- Emerson Elementary School
- Enterprise Middle School
- Foster Elementary School
- Jefferson Elementary School
- Kelly Elementary School
- Kennedy Elementary School
- King Elementary School
- Laurel Elementary School
- Longfellow Elementary School
- Mayo Elementary School
- McKinley Electuary School
- McNair Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Middle School
- Rosecrans Elementary School
- Tibby Elementary School
- Vanguard Learning Center
- Walton Middle School
- Washington Elementary School
- Whaley Middle School
- Willowbrook School
Transformer Upgrades
- Emerson Elementary School
- Enterprise Middle School
HVAC Upgrades
- Centennial High School
- Dominguez High School
- Willowbook Middle School
Water Efficiency Upgrades
- Anderson Elementary School
- Bunche Elementary School
- Bursch Elementary School
- Carver Elementary School
- Centennial High School
- Cesar Chavez/ Thurgood Marshall High School
- Clinton Elementary School
- Community Day Schools (Caldwell Elementary)
- Compton Adult School
- Davis Middle School
- Dickison Elementary School
- Dominguez High School
- Emerson Elementary School
- Enterprise Middle School
- Foster Elementary School
- Jefferson Elementary School
- Kelly Elementary School
- Kennedy Elementary School
- King Elementary School
- Laurel Elementary School
- Longfellow Elementary School
- Mayo Elementary School
- McKinley Electuary School
- McNair Elementary School
- Roosevelt Elementary School
- Roosevelt Middle School
- Rosecrans Elementary School
- Tibby Elementary School
- Vanguard Learning Center
- Walton Middle School
- Washington Elementary School
- Whaley Middle School
- Willowbrook Middle School